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From Koenigsberg with love

last modified 2005-12-17 13:51

Dagmar Eberhardt, Stefan Lutschinger (A) feat.

Peter Koger, Martin Krusche, Jan Lauth, Ivan Redi, Jörg Vogeltanz


From Königsberg with Love* investigates the complex architecture of Immanuel Kant´s Critique Of Pure Reason: its "thorny paths" are documented - through computerbased visualizations of significant passages - as an collaborative lecture.

In the course of the netculture-project "The long distance howl" by Martin Krusche, kantian thoughts and aesthetics were at issus, building up alongside the train-symposion "The Cybertrail" the discursive mould for three modulated manifests.

These three installations try to put the kantian doctrine of space, time and transcendental schematism of concepts of understanding- into an artistical context and comment the major work of this great philosopher from Königsberg (kaliningrad) via aesthetic strategies in

  • module 1 by Ivan Redi

    Ortsende von Ortlos

    (literally translated it would sound like: "the end of space of space off" or "the end of place of placelessness"; a pun about the end of a locus and a non-locus, shifting into the big NADA!)

    This module takes a survey on the concept of space as constructed in the Critique. A paradoxical intervention is mapped out - accompanied by the kantian transcendental discussion of space treating the "Co-existence Of Things" and the impossible difference of physical and logical Non-Locus.

  • ncc-setting documentation by Ivan Redi with the video "Piero goes ortlos" + music!
    (electronic adaptation of J.S.Bach)
  • module 2 by Peter Koger, Jan Lauth, Stefan Lutschinger

    How did the inventor of the clock come to know, what time it is?

    This module enquires the concept of time and its inner relationship to the transcendental faculty of imagination as a "Sucession Of Things" - in a media-epistological way appealing to the historical pythagorean timemodel.

  • module 3 by Martin Krusche, Jörg Vogeltanz


    "Embedded" assigns both motives Space and Time to the symbolization of the concepts of understanding by standardizing as regards ratio and discusses the participation of "carne" on the business of cognition through illustration of telepresence and social encounter.