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The use of Soap Bubbles

last modified 2005-12-03 03:13

by Werner Jauk + Heimo Ranzenbacher

The Use of Soap Bubbles has been set up on the basis of faked e–mail addresses and the dissemination of meaningless information and computer viruses. It initiates an "attractor" in the Internet that simulates the function of a host and thereby makes itself attractive for viruses. This subterfuge gives rise to the fiction of a community that is commonly at the mercy of virus and spam attacks; in this case, however, it is being created by the very attacks themselves. Linked up with this system of viral behavior are fragances and soap bubbles and the public´s reaction to them. These serve as a regulatory mechanism between digital fiction and its perpetuation by means of the equilibrium between attacks and the defense against them (anti–virus function)
